Conjunctivitis - Conjunctivitis refers to irritation or inflammation of the conjunctiva. Conjunctiva is the part of eye that covers the white portion of eyeball. It further consists of three layers, i.e. epithelium, adenoid layer and fibrous layer.
Conjunctivitis is very common eye ailment and affects more than 10 million people per year in India.
The most prominent signs and symptoms include redness, itching, tearing of the eyes or discharge around the eye balls. It is self-detectable. The causative agent includes Corynebacterium, Moraxella, Streptococcus, and chlamydia, etc.
Various types of conjunctivitis include the following:
a) Acute membranous conjunctivitis, caused by Corynebacterium diphtheriae, virulent types of Streptococcus hemolyticus.
b) Pseudo membranous conjunctivitis, caused by Streptococcus hemolyticus, Gonococci, severe adenoviral infection, and autoimmune conjunctivitis.
c) Angular conjunctivitis caused by Moraxella axenfeld and Staphylococcus aureus.
Conjunctivitis spread easily by touching of containment surfaces or articles, it can also spread by physical contact, mainly skin contact.
Treatment includes self-care personal hygiene, application of topical antibiotics (ointments and eyedrops).
Generally, eye ointment containing antibiotics such as oxytetracycline, ciprofloxacin or gentamicin are used. These antibiotics are responsible for inhibition of bacterial growth.
Written by:
Mansi Singh
RDCH, Jaipur
Conjunctivitis is very common eye ailment and affects more than 10 million people per year in India.
The most prominent signs and symptoms include redness, itching, tearing of the eyes or discharge around the eye balls. It is self-detectable. The causative agent includes Corynebacterium, Moraxella, Streptococcus, and chlamydia, etc.
Various types of conjunctivitis include the following:
a) Acute membranous conjunctivitis, caused by Corynebacterium diphtheriae, virulent types of Streptococcus hemolyticus.
b) Pseudo membranous conjunctivitis, caused by Streptococcus hemolyticus, Gonococci, severe adenoviral infection, and autoimmune conjunctivitis.
c) Angular conjunctivitis caused by Moraxella axenfeld and Staphylococcus aureus.
Conjunctivitis spread easily by touching of containment surfaces or articles, it can also spread by physical contact, mainly skin contact.
Treatment includes self-care personal hygiene, application of topical antibiotics (ointments and eyedrops).
Generally, eye ointment containing antibiotics such as oxytetracycline, ciprofloxacin or gentamicin are used. These antibiotics are responsible for inhibition of bacterial growth.
Written by:
Mansi Singh
RDCH, Jaipur